
One Weird Word

Is there a word in our language stranger than the? I don’t mean in its meaning—for all would agree it’s the definite, the genuine article. I mean in its shape, and in the sound its letters cause our brains to generate in our vocal chords. I mean in the way its sound changes depending upon whether it precedes a vowel or not: in front of “asparagus,” it’s thee; yet before "potato," it’s thuh. Look it over closely, as if you were someone who'd never seen it before. I think you'll agree it's one weird word, weirder even than little old "a." And if you still think it's just a perfectly fine old thing, say it out loud 15 times and listen to the the's coming out of your mouth. Next, stare at the the above for 30 seconds and watch its meaning fade. Finally, click on it and read my compelling essay "The The of The." You may never look at the in the same way again.


Maia said...

I really love that entry, Dad. Your best yet, thinks I.

A quiet study of THE and now I can't spell worth shit.

Maia said...

Plus that picture of you with half a globe on your cranium is really telling.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, Love your blog. You're one kookie guy. I admit that the is a strange word, but have you ever looked at drool?

Blogmeister said...

winter getting a little long up in vacationland, bro?

Anonymous said...

Here's a challenge- write a lengthy passage of whatever form of writing you prefer WITHOUT employing the peculiar article. Apparently even I can't do it.

Doogman2 said...

There are languages on earth that regularly omit the definite article. Russian comes to mind. A friend of mind from Odessa asks, "Why do you Americans call my country THE Ukraine? It's just Ukraine."