
Dark Design

As I tossed and turned last night, the Washington, DC chapter of the Nattering Nabobs of Nihilism, headed up by the Sleepless Knight himself, Dick "Dick" Cheney, entered my bedroom on little cat's feet without disturbing my trusty watchdog, Gus. They threatened to stay in Iraq for another 100 years unless I put this ad for existential despair and cosmic purposelessness on my blog. Being something of a wuss, I agreed. They left snickering and slapping Cheney on the butt. I assume they all made it back to their holes before the sun came up.
Photo: Skull on beach stones. Seapoint Beach, Maine USA. 2004.


Sara said...

Who did that skull belong to?

chuck said...

That is a fish skull I believe, but I'm not sure.


maryoplinger said...

Big Chuck,
You're always running away from the boogie man in your sleep. Now we know his identity. Wooooo!

Junglechina said...

I think you mean running back to their assholes.