
Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

The Human Cost of Animal Suffering


How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Global Taxes

"'Still, some, including De Anza College’s president, Mr. Murphy, say the philanthropy and job creation do not offset Apple’s and other companies’ decisions to circumvent taxes. Within 20 minutes of the financially ailing school are the global headquarters of Google, Facebook, Intel, Hewlett-Packard and Cisco.
“When it comes time for all these companies — Google and Apple and Facebook and the rest — to pay their fair share, there’s a knee-jerk resistance,” Mr. Murphy said. “They’re philosophically antitax, and it’s decimating the state.”
“But I’m not complaining,” he added. “We can’t afford to upset these guys. We need every dollar we can get.'”


Sesame Noodles with Tofu

This then was tonight's dinner. 
Next time, I'll use half the oil.


May the the minority prevail

Beyond its undeniable didactic function, it would seem that writing has questionable value, other than to advertise one’s self, or to publicize one’s personal experience or opinion. Since the accuracy of one’s opinion is inherently dubious, what good is it in the true air? Of course I understand that such an idea obviates the institution of art in its entirety—a in feat itself—but do you see where I’m going? Think of it this way: everyone has personal ideas about life and how to live it; unfortunately, these ideas tend to coalesce in political terms. "Honey, for you own good, think what I think." So, whither truth? When the majority successfully asserts its ideas over minority views, it’s erroneously called democracy; the voice of opposition is contained, and ultimately defeated. And as always, the status quo squeaks by. It’s nuance, propaganda, obstructionism and ego. Jesu! Up with true democracy! May the the minority forever prevail.