
Goodbye, Willard...

Gee, it was a shame to see old Willard “Mitt” Romney go down yesterday. The consummate pol: a good looking, articulate, filthy rich, liar. Ain’t that America. Wish I had $10 million to drop on a presidential run, or even just 5 mil like poor l'il Hil. Anyway, true American that he is, Mitt’s doing the country a favor. He’s stepping aside so stormin’ Grampa McCain can take the fight to the terrorists. Thanks, Mitt. As your pal Codpiece George showed us, you get those Islamo-fascist bastards to bring it on and then right when they’re really bringin’ it, you spend half a trillion dollars and kill half a million people to almost win. Good strategy. Kay, now, everyone wave g’bye to Mitt. One more blowhard who just couldn’t blow hard enough.

Composition from 4/16/2007: On that date at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA, Seung-Hui Cho, a student with diagnosed mental disorders, used a legally purchased 9mm Glock (and other legally purchased firearms), to snuff 33 people, including himself.
Glock photo: copped from some gun website or another. There are thousands.


Anonymous said...

Chuck, you're so prolific. Where do get all this stuff? Are you frequenting the local meth lab? My head's full of where's my car keys and how come knee hurts.
Anyway, I also was touched Mitt's departure. He said he was running for "the good of the country". At least he's consistent in his lying.

chuck said...

I am trying to stay out of the meth lab, and am relying on Fleischman's Preferred, "An American Tradition," "Premium Taste Through the Years" to keep me well tuned.
Big Chuck