
Go Bama

Obama won it. Truly a milestone. I am dazed and awed, and for the first time in many years, proud to be an American. His speech tonight was as great as I have ever heard, a statement of hope, strength, and reconciliation. May President Obama govern us with the the same skill and compassion that he put into his campaign. And may the Americans who had the good sense and courage to cast their votes for him continue to use their talents and commitment to create the democracy we have all long sought.


Sara said...

Right on!

Anonymous said...

John McCain, although prickly, is a good man. I'm sorry he lost . . . the 2000 campaign, due to the dirty tricks of Karl Rove and W. That was his time. He would have served us far better than W. has done.

What the American electorate has done is repudiate the politics of arrogance and ignorance that define the W. administration. We have also elected the best man for the job, re-affirming the best of the American ideals.

A timely comment from Big Chuck, months ago, convinced me that I could not vote for anyone but Barack Obama. If I'm to believe the exit poll of my beloved ones, Los Cools supported Obama, in the battleground states of Florida and Pennsylvania. So, Big Chuck, you done good.

May God support and protect our incoming President, and may God continue to bless America.

Anonymously as Tom Cool, who left his password in his other pants, along with campaign litter