
Bomb Hanoi

Gary wasn’t happy with the straw hat: he hated the way it sat on his ears and made them look huge. He'd never thought of himself as good looking, but he knew he could be cool, especially when he wore his Levi jacket and red Keds. Then his father made him wear a fake bow tie. And his aunt pinned the buttons on. Hey, he supported the war, and he’d gladly do his stint when the time came. But having to dress up like this for the parade was embarrassing. He couldn’t wait till the girls could see him in his own uniform, strolling around Middleville with a black beret and shiny boots--a real cool cat.
Photo: not mine. Can't remember where I got this. I think I stole it from some museum.


Anonymous said...

Funny stuff Dude. Thanks for the morning chuckle.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I notice your post is in the wee morning hours. Can't sleep, eh? One of the many pleasures of aging.

chuck said...

Hey, I got 5 full hours last night...if I add up all the pieces.