
Twiddle Your Way to Total Happiness

Photo: Dave's stitched thumb. 2006. Exact date unknown.


Bill Simpson said...

that's the long way round.

vonnegut said it best: life's for farting, and, when ambitious, farting around.

thanks for photo and remembrance of The Mother. it's been a long winter. i could've used her presence.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the irony is that whilst composing this admittedly thought provoking ditty, you could have been twiddling your mangled thumb, or perhaps twiddling your diddly-doo.

Maia said...

That photo and essay seemed like they could be included in that scary, german fairytale book you had as a kid. You know what I'm talking about. That book had tons of cautionary stories in it. For example, if you pick your nose, a little man will cut your fingers off with a huge pair of scissors. Well, that's how I remember it. NOW, if you twiddle too much, your thumbs will explode into stitches. Gross.

maryoplinger said...

Hey! Isn't that Dave Malmquist's thumb, a.k.a., "The Commish"?

Junglechina said...

Read "Turning the Mind into an Ally" by Sakyong Mipham. He'll teach you how to twiddle but it ain't easy. In fact its almost like work learning how to twiddle and "be in the moment". Arghhhhhhh I hate that expression, can't do it. I agree with Bill and Kurt, I'm a champion farter arounder.